Heather’s Articles

Assistants’ training : so many benefits…

Assistants’ training : so many benefits…

PAs, EAs and administrators are the backbone of an organisation; they enable their company’s success …..   And yet, so often, managers receive training and the support staff don’t…   How you can benefit from your training :  new knowledge and skills that will be...

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Jean Thompson 1927-2020

Jean Thompson 1927-2020

My Mum's life She was born in October 1927 and was brought up in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire. She later worked there and in Leeds. She married my Dad in 1950 and worked with him in special schools in Yorkshire and Shropshire. In 1960 they moved to Cheadle, Greater...

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What is a PA?

What is a PA?

The PA/EA ‘job description’ “Does that role still exist?” I was asked when I explained what I do. “I thought nobody needed PAs anymore…”. After I’d metaphorically picked myself up from the floor, I said “yes, very much so”. Technological innovations and changes in...

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The Art of Communication

The Art of Communication

We all communicate naturally; most of us find it impossible NOT to communicate… but we don’t always communicate effectively First of all, let’s analyse communications. We pick up messages from each other in three ways; from body language, tone of voice and the words...

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The world’s your oyster

The world’s your oyster

We’ve all done it — dreamed of a top job, an exotic holiday or a catwalk figure — yet, how often do these things come to fruition? “When we’ve got a bit of money, we’ll go on a really nice holiday.”“I’ve always fancied working abroad.”“I’d love a job like that.”“I...

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Common mistakes

Common mistakes

Whoops! Shouldn't've clicked on send. There can be so many opportunities for error in writing. The speed of email encourages us to click on send without proofreading what we have written. Tight deadlines mean we don’t always take enough care over our reports. Not only...

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You and your manager working as team

You and your manager working as team

The PA and the manager spend a great deal of time together They have the same objectives and carry out different tasks to achieve those objectives. Communication is vital; it would be impossible to work together successfully without excellent communication. Your team...

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Different Ways to hold meetings

Different Ways to hold meetings

Do people groan when they have to attend a meeting? Maybe it's boredom … why not do things differently? In a different room or locationOutside instead of inside (weather permitting)Standing upWalkingInclude group workHave an objective as the meeting titleMake the...

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Create Positive Perceptions

Create Positive Perceptions

Sadly, people can have negative perceptions of those in PA/admin roles What we mustn't do is reinforce those negative perceptions with our behaviour. "So, I like told him that it was like really difficult to like to do that task."...

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Minute taking what PAs really want to know

Minute taking what PAs really want to know

10 insider insights from Heather. As an inexperienced secretary, I hated taking notes and writing minutes — I’d rather have thrown myself downstairs! However, as I progressed to more senior roles, I eventually got the hang of it and have,since 2000, been helping other...

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Guest Articles

How VAs are more than just time-savers!

How VAs are more than just time-savers!

I feel I’ve had the best introduction to the VA world since founding Do it DW, having worked alongside fellow VAs, The Prince’s Trust, and now the wonderful Heather Baker at Baker Thompson Associates. It’s been an incredible journey already and one I am so excited to...

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World Administrators Alliance : by Terri Mullan

World Administrators Alliance : by Terri Mullan

I recently had the pleasure and honor of attending the 13th World Administrators Summit in Wellington, New Zealand.  This was an experience that, three years ago, was not even on my radar.  Let me tell you how this all came to be. A few years ago, early in...

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The 5 rights of procurement

The 5 rights of procurement

by Maddy Grant, Marketing Manager, SR Supply Chain Consultant SRSCC – The 5 Rights of Procurement It is typically considered that the five rights of procurement analyse procurement objectives and procurement function. This strategy has proved very effective over the...

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Welcome to The House of KICK

Welcome to The House of KICK

a health and wellness brand that houses many concepts and packages to support you all in becoming the fittest and healthiest you have ever been with structured positive daily habits. Easy to do and simple to follow, we are here to educated you in health and lifestyle....

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This Is Me by Rebecca Eaton

This Is Me by Rebecca Eaton

Rebecca Eaton is an Occupational Health and Wellbeing Lead for Mitie.  Rebecca has been working in the field of health and wellbeing for 25 years and has extensive experience of implementing wellbeing strategies that take a holistic approach.  Rebecca has been a...

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Enjoy the view by Paula Harding

Paula Harding, Executive Assistant to Sid Madge, Founder, Meee How many times have you thought about how other people seem to be better at doing things than you? I know I have done this many, many times, and probably if I’m honest, far too many times than is healthy....

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2 of the top game changer lessons I learned from Oprah

Libby Moore Executive Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Adventurer and former Chief of Staff to Oprah Winfrey. People always ask me what I learned working with Oprah for 11 years. It used to take me a moment to reply because I had learned SO MUCH, it was hard to...

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