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Hello everyone... have a wonderful week.

I've got desk work, a face to face #inhouse Exceptional #assistant course and an online one too.

#PA #EA #EmotionallyIntelligentLeaders #reinforcepositiveperceptions #KnowYourManagersObjectives
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Hello everyone... have a wonderful week.

Ive got desk work, a face to face #inhouse Exceptional #Assistant course and an online one too.

#PA #EA #emotionallyintelligentleaders #reinforcepositiveperceptions #knowyourmanagersobjectives

Subscribers to our newsletter and followers of Executive Support Magazine were given a special offer last month. Next week we'll be opening this offer to everyone else... watch this space.

Plus, next week, there are two Exceptional #assistant courses; one #facetoface #inhouse and one #onlinetraining.

#assistants #PA #EA #mycareerofchoice #reinforcepositiveperceptions #emotionallyintelligentleader #thecareerbehindthejob #KnowYourManagersObjectives #PartneringForSuccess #solutionsnotproblems
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Subscribers to our newsletter and followers of Executive Support Magazine were given a special offer last month. Next week well be opening this offer to everyone else... watch this space.

Plus, next week, there are two Exceptional #Assistant courses; one #facetoface #inhouse and one #onlinetraining.

#Assistants #PA #EA #MyCareerOfChoice #ReinforcePositivePerceptions #EmotionallyIntelligentLeader #TheCareerBehindTheJob #KnowYourManagersObjectives #PartneringForSuccess #solutionsnotproblems
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