This Is Me by Rebecca Eaton

Rebecca Eaton is an Occupational Health and Wellbeing Lead for Mitie.  Rebecca has been working in the field of health and wellbeing for 25 years and has extensive experience of implementing wellbeing strategies that take a holistic approach.  Rebecca has been a supporter of the This is Me and been on the steering committee in the North West since 2016.

This is Me is a part of the Lord Mayor’s Appeal and aims to change attitudes to mental health in the workplace and improving the inclusivity and support for mental health.

As well as the main hub there are regional groups, bringing together companies to tackle mental health stigma and share ideas about creating positive mental wellbeing.  Any company can register for This is Me and access support and tools.    More information can be found here

We all have mental health and it fluctuates from day to day and sometimes hour to hour. Ideally we should try to maintain our mental health in the excelling or thriving regions. If we become unsettled or struggling, we need to notice this and take action to help prevent us getting into crisis.  We should also look out for others and provide support if they appear to be struggling.

We ask people everyday ‘How are you?’  but how often do people respond with anything other than ‘I’m fine’?   When you notice someone is struggling with their mental health if you get the standard ‘I’m fine’ ask twice.  You could ask ‘But how are you really?’ or ‘I’ve noticed that you are a bit quieter* than normal  Is everything ok?

*(insert anything that you’ve noticed that is different)

Sharing how you feel can help people to feel better and identify how they can support their own mental health.  But if you are worried about yourself or others, there is lots of support available.  Reach out to your Employee Assistance Programme or Mental Health first aider at work, if you have them.  Speak to your GP, contact NHS 111 or a mental health charity such as Samaritans 116 123, Mind 0300-123-3393 Information & Support – Mind

November is Stress Awareness month, stress is something everyone feels at times, stressful situations can be a part of daily life. Low-level stress or pressure can be helpful or motivational and help us to excel but too much pressure or stress can be detrimental to our mental health.

There are plenty of things you can do to help cope with stressful events, and simple steps you can take to deal with feelings of stress or burnout.